Red Team Engagement

Red Team Management

Coastline’s Red Team Engagement goes beyond traditional security assessments, offering a proactive and dynamic approach to identifying and mitigating cyber threats within your organization. Our team works to simulate real-world cyber threats that allows us to provide you with invaluable insights into your organization’s ability to detect and respond to security incidents. Through a variety of techniques and tactics, we challenge the current defenses, allowing you to identify weaknesses and refine your detection and response mechanisms.

penetration testing and cyber security consulting services

How We Do It

The Coastline Team works in tandem with the Client to simulate real-world cyber threats and identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s security. The engagement begins with meticulous planning and scoping, defining clear objectives, and outlining the systems to be assessed. If we can successfully gain access to the network, exploitation and privilege escalation will be performed, followed by simulated data exfiltration.

Our assessment process includes:

  • Dark Web Evaluation: Identifying potential threats, leaked credentials, and exploitable information sourced from the dark web.
  • External Evaluation: Conducting a thorough examination of your organization’s perimeter network to uncover potential entry points for attackers.
  • Web Application Evaluation: Evaluating the resilience of your applications’ security controls against sophisticated cyber threats.
  • Social Engineering: Conducting advanced testing to gauge your organization’s resistance to unauthorized access attempts through detailed phishing methods, mimicking real-world scenarios.
penetration testing and cyber security consulting services

What To Expect

Throughout the red team engagement, Coastline ensures transparency by providing the Client with a clear outline of the steps, processes, and methodologies employed. Our team meticulously documents and reports successful breach attempts, exploitable vulnerabilities, and other relevant data discovered during the assessment.

Upon completion of our assessment, we will provide you with a detailed report of the findings as well as best practice recommendations for remediation. The deliverable will provide the Client with valuable information on the current state of the security that exists within the organization, the presence of vulnerabilities, and additional information on the level of risk each vulnerability represents. Once finished, a debriefing session will be conducted with key personnel to discuss results and remediation efforts.